The IzySuite module that manages EDI messages in a fluid and autonomous way
Developed by ACSEP, IzyEDI is a solution that produces and uses your EDI messages.
Whether to exchange inter-application data (WMS, commercial management, accounting, etc.) or to transmit standardised information to customers or suppliers, ACSEP carries out the data mapping, ensures the hosting of flows, but also the transport and the monitoring of messages in transit.
Today, ACSEP supervises more than 1.2 million EDI flows on behalf of Findus, ID Logistics and SD Log. IzyEDI is a module of the IzySuite software suite which actively participates in the development of the supply chain.
Amongst the customers who use this IzySuite solution: C-Log, La Grande Récré (PMO Log), Leisure’n Pleasure, Orcos Logistics, Samsung Electronics France, SMTRT, Tikamoon, etc.